Friday, May 2, 2008

The First Casualties

As noted before, D and I have always expected that we'd jettison a few things that we didn't think we could bear to part with but which turned out to be less necessary than we thought. We left two things behind in Carlsbad:

The fuzzy thing on the left came with the playpen; it's supposed to velcro onto one of the shelves inside the cage. The cats never took a shine to it. The thing on the right is a catnip mat. We had two, and kept the one they liked more.

We may actually have left some bowls behind in Flagstaff. I don't remember too well. The high altitude made me a little lightheaded. The car is still pretty full, but we've figured out better ways to pack a few things in. For example, we used to get the big, 20-pound boxes of cat litter, but the smaller, 14-pound boxes fit nicely in the empty space under the cat perch, leaving room for our insulated cooler bag, which we can use to transport a few groceries between stops.

The drive from Carlsbad to Fort Worth wasn't too bad. We're listening to the audio book of American Gods by Neil Gaiman, and it really helps pass the time. Today, we had a hearty breakfast at the Dixie House Cafe, then saw Iron Man (good) at the nearby Movie Tavern (bad) and went grocery shopping at Albertsons (bad) and Super Target (good). Tomorrow, we'll visit the local Lone Star Comics (it's Free Comic Book Day!), then head off to Dinosaur Valley and Fossil Rim.

Dinner tonight:


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At May 4, 2008 at 10:53 PM , Blogger LC said...

I used to think it odd that you always showed us pictures of your dinner, but now I like it. It's almost some sort of comforting regularity. Would love it also if you let us know where it came from (take out vs. you made it yourselves).

About leaving stuff behind, I assume you're throwing them away? I wonder what that indicates w.r.t. trash heap index. :-)

At May 5, 2008 at 4:51 PM , Blogger CKL said...

Except for the pizza, all dinner photos have been home-cooked meals. (I would feel weird photographing my food in a restaurant.) We've been eating in most days, but we're not even going to try when we're in New Orleans. :)

As for trash, we're just leaving stuff behind in the hotel room, and I'm optimistic that the housekeeping staff will re-use some things. But I see your point. I'm actually thinking about ditching one of my Google bags. Maybe I'll eBay it, or offer it for sale to our loyal blog readers...

At May 6, 2008 at 11:27 PM , Blogger LC said...

One of the things I love about the dumpster at the last two apartments I've lived at is that people leave usable stuff near the area but outside the dumpster, and much of the stuff DOES get used. (Not ashamed to admit that I've re-purposed some of it myself.) I honestly think that the hotel staff will re-use a lot of that. I would worry too much about shipping and whatnot, especially as you guys are on the go! Or you could leave it in the hotel room with a note so that it doesn't end up in the hotel's lost and found forever :-D


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