Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Spirit of Right Around Here

Greetings from St. Louis, Missouri! Well, actually Fenton, which is closer to the highway we would take to drive up to Hannibal to see the Mark Twain House. We probably won't make the two-hour schlep there, but it was a nice idea.

Because I subscribe to The Writer's Almanac, a daily email/podcast from NPR, I know that this date in 1927 is when Charles Lindbergh completed his historic, solo, non-stop flight across the Atlantic. I think the actual plane is at the Smithsonian in Washington, DC, which we'll be visiting in a few weeks.

Speaking of which... I know you're all dying to see our new itinerary and route map, but we haven't been able to finalize it. We know we're going to Atlanta next, and then Orlando to see the Space Shuttle launch on the 31st, but we just found out yesterday that D's family reunion may not happen on June 6th as scheduled--or, if it does, it'll be in Pennsylvania, not South Carolina. And they won't know for sure until June 3rd. So much for planning ahead.

Meanwhile, my friend Matt, who went to school at, was kind enough to recommend some sights for us to see around here:
Missouri is FULL of things to do. JUST PACKED. Here's my anecdote: my parents bought a "Sites of St. Louis" calendar while visiting me in college; 11 of the 12 months were pictures of the arch.

But seriously, folks... Tomorrow we're going to tour the Fox Theatre, ride up the Arch, stroll through Forest Park, and do whatever else looks interesting downtown. On Friday we'll drive out to Cahokia Mounds. And at some point we'll stop at Ted Drewes Frozen Custard and, as Matt says, "soak up the middle-america-goodness."




At May 21, 2008 at 4:43 PM , Blogger Chris said...

Ah memories...when I drove out to Stanford in '93, my sister and I hit the cahokia mounds and the arch. The mounds were interesting, but we were followed the whole time by a man at a distance...that seemed to be..ahem..playing with himself. The "pods" that take you up the arch were very odd! Have fun.


At May 21, 2008 at 8:38 PM , Blogger lahosken said...

I recommend the City Museum. I'm serious:

At May 22, 2008 at 1:56 PM , Blogger Matt said...

I didn't mention Hannibal in my recommendations, since as you mentioned it's a bit of a drive. But for a real dose of tourist trap Americana, the Mark Twain Cave made for a very fun diversion one weekend for my friends and me. Unlike caves in the west, which are more or less "natural," they've managed to make this real cave look like fake, like a Disneyland ride: lights throughout, paved walkways, etc. Still, this is *the* cave that inspired the events in "Tom Sawyer."


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